❶题材、美术的风格鲜明; ❷可惜,寓言缺少留白的魄力,雨雾村往后脱离了说教的环节,观感好了不少; ❸所幸,全程维持着多元的审美、自成一派且自信的中华美学(闪回插入不思凡的原作片段,现在看来依旧惊艳); ❹苏州评弹是点睛之笔。
3.5. Didn't quite get the overwhelming hate this film got. The satire here is not particularly intelligent nor incisive, but that seems fitting when reality is more mundanely grotesque than fiction: it's almost like the real world does not deserve to be treated in a more aesthetically profound manner. The sense of helpless anger and disbelief at the state of the world is quite genuine, and there are emotional moments that work quite well. It's a typically white and star-studded mainstream film, and that's okay.